Putnam County Historical Society & Foundry School Museum

A listing of upcoming events and information for this Cold Spring, New York non-profit organization.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quadricentennial Lecture

Saturday, July 11, 5 pm
Quadricentennial Lecture- Bannerman's Island

Ever wonder about the castle in the middle of the Hudson, located between Cornwall and Beacon? Join PCHS for a lecture with Wes and Barbara Gottlock, authors, and volunteer coordinators at Bannerman's Island. Learn about the legacy of the Bannerman family, the unique castle, and the island as it is now.
The Gottlocks will also be signing copies of their book Bannerman's Castle.

This lecture is $5 to the public, and free for members and donors. Space is limited; and
reservations are strongly suggested, 845-265-4010.